Facilitating purposeful trusts and transitions


Give Well, Guide Well, Govern Well

When we plan the transition of financial wealth intergenerationally, we must be mindful of the hopes, aspirations and intentions of the giver and the impact that wealth will have on the receiver. Where financial wealth is being transitioned through a family trust, we also need to carefully consider how stewards entrusted with that wealth (i.e. the trustees), fulfil their role and responsibilities.

It’s more than just passing on money

Purposeful Planning puts people first and the impact of wealth under transition, front and centre. It’s intergenerational planning with a focus on giving well, guiding well and governing well.

People who plan purposefully:

  • Create positive and meaningful experiences

  • Connect trustees and beneficiaries with hopes and intentions

  • Encourage excellence in their beneficiaries and trustees

A robust purposeful planning process defines what’s important, considers what’s possible and prioritises the actions required. The process gets families, trustees and professional advisers in conversation and on the same page.

Not all family trusts are purposeful

Most trusts are unignited structures of opportunity. Many have never been properly activated.

Purposeful Trustees know how to breathe energy and life into a new or tired trust. They invest in their relationship with beneficiaries and create enhancing and empowering experiences which enable beneficiaries to live well with a trust in their life. We call this generative style of practice Purposeful Trusteeship.

What will be the impact of your estate plan or family trust?

How are you positively contributing to how you will be remembered?

Contact Lindsay now to start a conversation.


How we can work together





Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.
— Warren Buffett